Universal Empress

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Guard Your Energy

How to Guard Your Energy

Life is moving fast—and it will continue to do so.

Instead of resisting it, accept it as it is. The moment you do, you’ll notice a profound shift within yourself.

Do you often feel like you’re chasing your own tail? One of my go-to phrases to describe my life is: "It’s made up of many moving parts."

Decades ago, a partner once told me I lived a very compartmentalized life. At the time, I took it as a negative observation.

Now, I realize that compartmentalization is actually my superpower. It’s how I balance the multi-dimensional facets of my existence.

There’s the part of me that’s vibrant and vivacious. Then, there’s the deeply introspective side that I honor just as much. When this side isn’t nourished, I feel off-balance—manifesting as agitation, frustration, and restlessness.

Universal Empress' mantra is: Committed to global transformation, one breath at a time. From the communal to the global, I honor the interconnectedness of it all.

My service work leads me to guide hundreds of people at a time—and sometimes, just one. That’s the essence of my exclusive Power Hour offering this February.

Imagine transforming how you show up in your daily life in just 60 minutes. Believe me, it’s possible.

But the only way to know is to make the appointment and commit to yourself.

If you want something to change, you must change something. Read that again until it lands.


Who wants to come to Bali with ME in 2025? 
Special Announcement: if you’ve ever wanted to visit Bali, have I got an incredible treat in store for you. Note: this is NOT a retreat! It is however an experience of a lifetime.