1:00 AM01:00


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Workshop Details

How to return to loving the most important person in your life: YOU!


Based on the premise that self-love is the most radical form of activism, this experiential workshop unpacks the origins of our 'love stories.' The intention is a return to loving ourselves unapologetically, first and foremost. From this, all else flows. Includes journaling, intimate sharing and more.

TIP: Bring a small mirror along with you! 

Presenter Bio

Nadine McNeil – humanitarian cum yogi – is regarded as an influencer for global transformation. For over 20 years, she served the United Nations as a ‘crisis responder,’ across the world, eventually leading to her current passion. Nowadays, her work includes teaching yoga, guiding women’s circles, as well as being a personal development coach for individuals and ‘conscious’ corporate entities. Focused on non-fiction, her writing weaves yoga philosophy, spirituality, ethnicity, gender, and current affairs. McNeil’s work has been published in several online and print publications, including Elephant Journal, Yoga Herald Magazine, Essence Magazine and more. publications. To learn more about her, please visit:

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3:00 PM15:00

New Moon in Libra Women's Circle

After about three days of questioning both my mental state and my menopausal cycle, all the while 'chopping and carrying,' my Sun broke through, beaming some much needed light onto me.  

As one dear friend reminded me in the heights of my chaos, feelings are not facts.  Instead, use them as a barometer to truly 'check-in' and see what's brewing beneath the surface.   For me, I began to recognize the extent to which I feel as though I'm at the end of my tether.  

COVID-19's FAR reaching consequences are starting to be felt across Jamaica; runaway inflation rates, not to mention the foul stench of fear that I constantly witness in people, acting out in all sorts of bizarre ways.

All is not lost though as I remind myself each morning that I rise and am blessed with a brand new day!

Each time that we experience a new moon, it invites us to begin anew.  *October's invitation is about restoring balance, re-establishing boundaries and invoking equanimity in all of our thoughts, deeds and actions. How?
Here's my list, which begins on 1 October:

  • WAAY less social media -- I may even step away all together

  • Calling in support where I need it

  • Focus 90% of my productive time on the ONE project that I'd like to shift towards fruition before year end

  • Deepen into total mindfulness -- paying reverent attention to how I nourish and nurture my body, mind and soul

  • Harvest and hibernate: this is what the season beckons [at least in the Northern Hemisphere]

*If you're into astrology, then do spend some time reading up on how you might be affected by this upcoming lunation.  
How do you intend to honor yourself during this upcoming new moon?  

Join me this Sunday 3 October for Women's Circle.  Click here to register and for details.  Space is very limited. 

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Self Love Webinar
to Sep 22

Self Love Webinar

  • Google Calendar ICS

Universal Empress Nadine is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Self-Love Redefined

Time: Sep 22, 2021 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 868 7683 3395

Passcode: 094294

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Meeting ID: 868 7683 3395

Passcode: 094294

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For several years, I've hosted my signature workshop entitled,

"Self-Love Is A Practice"

Men and women from all over the world have benefited greatly from this workshop which includes several experiential activities,

including creating a Love [vision] board.  

A few mornings ago in my meditation, it came to me that it is time to up-level this offering.  So many of us, self-included, have done a TON of personal development work.

Through our efforts, we've left jobs, started companies, had children, grieved losses and MORE.

Yet, still, there remains one aspect of our lives that we aren't enjoying that which we desire:  Love In Partnership.  

Even more so though is that the ability to love ourselves unapologetically allows us to develop and maintain healthy boundaries in our relationship with ourselves and others.

If you are finally ready to relinquish the illusion of struggle around love and partnership, you've come to

the right place. 

In this webinar you’ll learn:

~ You are the sole cause of your life

~ How you have co-created your aloneness

~ Your relational history's ideals may be outdated and no longer relevant to a fully self-expressed you

~ How by enhancing awareness around your love language how to invite complimentary love into your life

~ How to re-kindle your current partnership to bring sizzle back into your lives.

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Lion's Gate New Moon Circle
to Aug 8

Lion's Gate New Moon Circle

This is my birth month so in honor of Me, I'm inviting you to join me as I enter the Lion's Gate, with a New Moon in Leo.

What is the Lion's Gate?

Astrologically speaking, it is a time where new levels of consciousness are infused into the planet and also into each of us individually. So as this gate swings open, we are swept over the threshold—almost like one of those old movies where the bride is lifted up and carried over the doorstep as a symbol of the beginning of a new life.

*Sign up early as space will be very limited!

Sliding scale donation payable via PayPal

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July Full Moon Women's Circle
to Jul 24

July Full Moon Women's Circle

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A woman of the waves knows how to ebb and flow, no matter what curveballs life throws at her.

A woman of the waves honors her cycles by living in sync with her first mother -- Nature.

A woman of the waves knows how to flow -- like water. She knows how to surf and when to deep dive.

A woman of the waves is soft at her heart center, her vulnerability is her strength.

A woman of the waves is strong on her back, though she may carry heavy loads, still she stands tall.

A woman of the waves is wild and free.

She is you.

She is me.

She is US.

And so it is!

Profound shifts occur when we gather as women in Circle. In July, I'll be hosting TWO amazing ones that will orbit around the potency of the full moon in Aquarius.

Friday 23 July 6PM ET / 5PM JA TIME / 11PM UK

Saturday 24 July 8:30AM UK / 5:30PM MELBOURNE / 3:30PM BALI


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New Moon Women's Circle
6:00 PM18:00

New Moon Women's Circle

As we say welcome to July, in alignment with the messages of the moon, the July new moon in Cancer invites us to inquire:

What is the quality of our meaningful relationships? How are we showing up?

Join me on Sunday 11/07/2021 for July's New Moon Women's Circle via ZOOM


Monday 12/07/2021 9AM Bali/ 11AM Melbourne

Sliding scale donation via PayPal: US44, 33, 22 or 11 to

What IS a Women's Circle?

Steeped in meaning and ritual, a women’s circle is an invitation for us to gather as women, sharing and witnessing the stories of others from a place of deep compassion, dignity, humility, divine grace and reverent love.

Community stands at the heart of who we are as women, and especially in today’s world, we thrive in solidarity, seated shoulder to shoulder. When one of us heals, we all heal.

Bring a sister, a mother, a daughter, a lover, a friend.....Whoever she/her is know that open hearts and arms await!

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Portugal Retreat; 25-29 May
to May 29

Portugal Retreat; 25-29 May

Join Us at Golden Web

A magical haven in the Portuguese Algarve, for a Transformation Retreat, a guided 5-day immersion that encourages and supports you to deepen your relationship with self, and re-connect to your life’s purpose and how you navigate through this chaotic and uncertain world. Your journey begins with a tree planting ceremony, symbolic of imprinting your roots firmly upon Mother Earth and continues with rediscovering the self with Art, Journaling and Yoga in a communal type setting. We welcome both men and women.

Cost: USD 900.00, includes accommodation, meals, activities and art supplies.

Your hostesses are Nadine McNeil, Universal Empress, yoga teacher, wisdom mentor and writer and Anna Ruth Henriques, author, artist and jewelry designer.  

*Space is limited to 15 persons.  Please e-mail: to register*

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Bali Spirit Festival - March 29 - April 5
to Apr 5

Bali Spirit Festival - March 29 - April 5

Vinyasa Flow & Yoga with Free Weights


Nadine McNeil is the founder of the BadAsana Series ©: Yoga with Weights.

This Yoga Alliance [CE] certified program is one that integrates 1 to 3 kgs weights intelligently within a hatha-vinyasa flow practice.  The purpose of this synergistic practice is to support the body in building physical strength, endurance, and stamina, while respecting and adhering to the main tenets of yoga, primarily through breath and alignment awareness.

Her mission as a yoga teacher, speaker, wisdom mentor, and humanitarian, is to ignite infinite possibility in people around the world and share yoga with diverse underserved communities.

Prior to her deep dive into yoga in 2008, Nadine travelled the world in service of the UN, UNICEF, Global Volunteer Network and Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons for nearly two decades. These and other experiences rooted Nadine’s continued devotion to activism.

Women from across the world who have sat with her in Circle, have returned to their communities to offer this necessary and important work.  Her mantra for this work is:  when one of us suffers, we all suffer.  Yet when one of us heals, we all heal.

When she’s not traveling, Nadine may be found living and teaching in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia at the Yoga Barn, the largest yoga and wellness facility in South East Asia.

Check out Nadine’s schedule here

For more information about Nadine, please see:

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Spirit Festival
to Mar 8

Spirit Festival

Immerse yourselves in an experience that brings together the power of yoga, meditation, dance and community in a majestic setting surrounded by mountains, rivers and trees. This three day festival is all about opening the heart and exploring the mind and body to help you experience the profound nourishment of the self, that each of us is capable of creating and living. Whether you’re seeking to play or pray, dance or trance, be in nature or just nurture your being, you’ll soon be making SpiritFest your pilgrimage to South Africa.

It’s time to lift your spirit to its highest potential.

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 Self-Love is a Practice with Nadine McNeil
1:00 AM01:00

Self-Love is a Practice with Nadine McNeil

February 14th / 1 PM- 4 PM / IDR 750,000
Early Bird Registration and Payment up to 2 days prior IDR 700,000

Authentic love is magnetic! 
We pull towards us persons and situations that reflect how we feel about ourselves.  So, the first step to finding love is discovering it within YOU! How?  Simply by being present and aware of our thoughts and actions, no matter how tiny they may seem.
Throughout this workshop we’ll engage in dialogue to uncover illusions that lurk within our psyche, blocking our capacity to let our love flow freely and fully. With breath, movement and visualization, we create an artistic expression, one that we can return to daily as a practice, for endless doses of love.

*Bring an expression of your love to be placed upon the Love altar.  All other supplies will be provided.

Nadine McNeil’s twenty-odd year career within the United Nations, serving at locations across the globe, is what guided her towards yoga, primarily as a necessary tool for self-care while serving in volatile, conflict scenarios. Her current mission includes designing and implementing a yoga module that especially supports those who tirelessly serve others through their daily work.

Register here

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