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Self-Love is a Practice with Nadine McNeil

February 14th / 1 PM- 4 PM / IDR 750,000
Early Bird Registration and Payment up to 2 days prior IDR 700,000

Authentic love is magnetic! 
We pull towards us persons and situations that reflect how we feel about ourselves.  So, the first step to finding love is discovering it within YOU! How?  Simply by being present and aware of our thoughts and actions, no matter how tiny they may seem.
Throughout this workshop we’ll engage in dialogue to uncover illusions that lurk within our psyche, blocking our capacity to let our love flow freely and fully. With breath, movement and visualization, we create an artistic expression, one that we can return to daily as a practice, for endless doses of love.

*Bring an expression of your love to be placed upon the Love altar.  All other supplies will be provided.

Nadine McNeil’s twenty-odd year career within the United Nations, serving at locations across the globe, is what guided her towards yoga, primarily as a necessary tool for self-care while serving in volatile, conflict scenarios. Her current mission includes designing and implementing a yoga module that especially supports those who tirelessly serve others through their daily work.

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